Arrrr... enough of that, Talk Like A Pirate Day is months away! Booty is a platform game where you play the put-upon cabin boy who, sick of his lot in life, decides to gather up as much of the pirates' loot as he can and, to use modern parlance for once, "do one".

Right, so... key 7 gets the gun, but lets that pirate out. OK...
Naturally, they're not about to give up their ill-gotten gains as easily as all that, and they walk the decks, cutlasses in hand, all ready to hand out a damn good thrashing to anyone wi' sticky fingers. Whoops, sorry.
It's a clever little game, is Booty. For all the pirates and their parrots deal instant death, the biggest obstacle is the layout of the ship. Some of the rooms are really tricky to negotiate, with keys having to be picked up in the right order to allow you access to certain rooms at the right times. Oh, and some of the treasure is booby-trapped...

OK, I've got my sea legs, but they never said I'd need my air legs too!
I first played Booty on a mate's Spectrum, and I liked it so much that it was one of the first games I bought when I got my Commodore 64. Pity, then, that the 64 version was wretched and a huge disappointment (and waste of pocket money!). There's no such problem with the Spectrum version... it was a cracking release from Firebird, and gave me a taxing but enjoyable hour or so when playing it again. Arrrr, that it did. Oh, bugger.
Cracking game.
ReplyDeleteDid you play the secret in-built currah microspeech enabled game?
Nope... wasn't even aware of that!
ReplyDeleteThere was a jaunty little version of Blue Peter on this games soundtrack wasn't there? (or maybe I'm just imagining things)
ReplyDeleteUpdate: I just went over to YouTube to listen to the tune and came across a video that shows how to access the secret game without a Microspeech ( - though you do need a multiface (I think there was an emulator that emulated the multiface, so you could even play it if you don't have the multiface. Everyone's a winner!).