Phwoar, look at her! Or him, if that's your preference.
Back to his we went, and opened the game. Three disks! Three! It had to be amazing! In actuality, it just meant a lot of loading. And not much game, as it turned out... I think we completed it on our first go, taking turns as we progressed through the levels. It was a bit disappointing in that respect, but on the other hand, it did provide a sense that this computer was the future.
I thought I'd give it another go now, to see just how it fared more than twenty years later.

Halt, stranger!
To be fair, it's not really a very good game. It's a straightforward left-to-right scrolling beat 'em up, but it's no Double Dragon or Streets of Rage. It kind of reminds me of an odd game called Great Gurianos, in fact. When I say "left-to-right", I mean left-to-right... it all takes place on a single plane, in a single direction. So there's absolutely no strategy involved... you just have to slash and jump at the right times. Oh, you can duck, or do an overhead hit... that's a total of three fighting moves. And occasionally you pick up potions which have varying effects.

...that didn't end as they'd expected...
For a game that was bought on the basis of its screenshots, the graphics aren't really all that good, looking at them now. When static, they're a massive step up from the 64, with huge figures taking up large amounts of the screen. The animation isn't much cop, though, and although the different game areas are nice and varied, the enemies within aren't, with usually only one or two of a kind on any one level.

Moments later, the giant's head was removed from his shoulders. The bigger they are...
Having slaughtered the game to this point, I have to say I found it kind of refreshing to play something so straightforward. These days, everything has to be so complex. There's some merit to a game that sets out its stall in such a basic fashion. Sword of Sodan is not a game I would buy on any format if it were released today, but I can actually see myself playing it again at some point. Not sure if that speaks more about the game or my personality.
Hey Moy,
ReplyDeleteThis was one clunky game. Seduced by the graphics on the back of the box, will I ever learn? I can't quite remember, was the music atmospheric? And did the slashing sword make the most ridiculous 'bid-doop' noise?
As for KK pt 2 I must have binned it in disgust on account of it having the most annoyingly hard bonus level - Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything - bollocks!
Haha, look at home-internet boy! Yes, the music was quite fitting, and the sword sound wasn't. You have learned by now though, haven't you? Haven't you...?
ReplyDeleteAnd as for KK... like Daniel-san, I seem to remember catching that fly on my first go. Beginner-ruck, indeed!
Never seen it but I'm YouTubing it right now. I bet that "Select... HERO OR HEROINE!" sample was properly "Wow!" at the time. I can feel the excitement that I would've felt then, listening to that.
ReplyDeleteJust skipped to the end. Yeah, it's a bit cruddy but you can totally see what they were going for. Some of the background atmospheric sounds are pretty nice for the time. Quite liked watching it, actually!
ReplyDeleteAh, yes, the disappointed of playing fondly remembered not-quite-classic games... Interesting feeling that. Oh, and a lovely write-up!